Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sem 5 ,,.

This time i conquer johor plak.(ceh cam power sangat )hehe.Really an interesting experience when i n my fwen Jetty Bilong firstly met these johorians..The first day in da company house ., we had kind of silly raging by those johorians.Forget to tell u , we didn't been provided with any rooms in dat house.Walhal sikit punye banyak rooms.we juz tdo d ruang tamu depan TV.No tilam no bantal ,juz dirty old tikar getah only.Imagine umah owg bujang bukan umah anak dara.Serabai n selekeh.

For 6 horrible days ,we slept on lantai simen berbantalkan kusyen itam bertiupkan ngan kipas slow nak mampos .Mosquitoes were everywhere, da la kwsn high denggi affection.Nak mampos kene denggi ngan chikugunya ke aper..hihi.Maybe sounds like anak manja but only god knows.Bab keje plak malas nak criter..feels like dogs..kehulur kehilir ,marah sana ,marah sini.hehe..rase nak tuka tmpt practical da.baek practical kat srwk.Member da mental da.Aku kabo molek ngan member ,sabo bro,agik idup agik ngelaban nyak wai..haha.Aku tetap maseh berkeras nak stay..i wanna explore my father punye tempat lahir.Tak penah balik kampung ayah , nak try camne rase.

But beside this difficulties ,appears the brightside.Gang2 practical st
arting to get along with us.We shows off our belang ckit demi cikit.( Belang Baik la ).We shows our skills n experiences. The supervisors tempt with our perfomances.In one month, we divide into groups.We help to manage those electrical installation works.I bawak satu van g site.Penah skali tu gi wat keje kat primary skool,watching a group of small pupils battle shuffling.Adui memang lawakla..reminds the stupid child of mine long time ago..haha.

Hmm paling susah la keje troubleshooting and lay HV u
nderground cable.Rase nak meletup jantung..although 8 workers tarik menatang kabel tu.But to gain great experience need to gain great guts.Really a challenging moment. God is great , i had learned many things.All of us were friends forever in two month including the taiko n supervisors.No more hard feeling.Time dekat2 nak raye memang besh.Feels rindu nak balik kampung memang tahap kambeng la.Although da takde kampong.sedey2.

Hard work comes great enjoyable memories.Sincerity means a lot during this progress.Really miz them actually,badang,mat nor ,ajim ,pak asan,panjang,rizal,bapak ,padel the ustad, all the ikms and ilps.


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